慶應義塾大学 予防医療センター


Hishikawa A, Nishimura ES, Yoshimoto N, Nakamichi R, Hama EY, Ito W, Maruki T, Nagashima K, Shimizu-Hirota R, Takaishi H, Itoh H, Hayashi K
Predicting exacerbation of renal function by DNA methylation clock and DNA damage of urinary shedding cells: a pilot study.
Sci Rep 14(1):11530,2024

Sunouchi M, Inaishi J, Shimizu-Hirota R, Saisho Y, Hayashi K, Takaishi H, Itoh H
Longitudinal changes in pancreatic volume and pancreatic fat with weight gain in Japanese without diabetes: An analysis using health check-up data.
Metabol Open 19:100250,2023

Shimozaki K, Hirata K, Sato T, Nakamura M, Kato K, Hirano H, Kumekawa Y, Hino K, Kawakami K, Kito Y, Matsumoto T, Kawakami T, Komoda M, Nagashima K, Sato Y, Yamazaki K, Hironaka S, Takaishi H, Hamamoto Y, Muro K
WJOG13219G: The Efficacy and Safety of FOLFOXIRI or Doublet plus Anti-VEGF Therapy in Previously Untreated BRAFV600E Mutant Metastatic Colorectal Cancer: A Multi-Institutional Registry-Based Study (BRACELET Study).
Clin Colorectal Cancer 21(4):339-346,2022

Bessho R, Kashiwagi K, Ikura A, Yamataka K, Inaishi J, Takaishi H, Kanai T
A significant risk of metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease plus diabetes on subclinical atherosclerosis.
PLoS One 17(5):e0269265,2022

Makino K, Shimizu-Hirota R, Goda N, Hashimoto M, Kawada I, Kashiwagi K, Hirota Y, Itoh H, Jinzaki M, Iwao Y, Ko M, Ko S, Takaishi H
Unbiased, comprehensive analysis of Japanese health checkup data reveals a protective effect of light to moderate alcohol consumption on lung function.
Sci Rep 11(1):15954,2021

Oba J, Taniguchi H, Sato M, Takamatsu R, Morikawa S, Nakagawa T, Takaishi H, Saya H, Matsuo K, Nishihara H
RT-PCR Screening Tests for SARS-CoV-2 with Saliva Samples in Asymptomatic People: Strategy to Maintain Social and Economic Activities while Reducing the Risk of Spreading the Virus.
Keio J Med 70(2):35-43,2021

Kashiwagi K, Takayama M, Ichikawa H, Takaishi H, Iwao Y, Kanai T
A significant association of non-obese non-alcoholic fatty liver disease with osteosarcopenic obesity in females 50 years and older. 
Clin Nutr ESPEN 42:166-172,2021

Nakamura K, Aimono E, Oba J, Hayashi H, Tanishima S, Hayashida T, Chiyoda T, Kosaka T, Hishida T, Kawakubo H, Kitago M, Okabayashi K, Funakoshi T, Okita H, Ikeda S, Takaishi H, Nishihara H
Estimating copy number using next-generation sequencing to determine ERBB2 amplification status.
Med Oncol 38(4):36,2021

Kasuga A, Semba T, Sato R, Nobusue H, Sugihara E, Takaishi H, Kanai T, Saya H, Arima Y
Oncogenic KRAS-expressing organoids with biliary epithelial stem cell properties give rise to biliary tract cancer in mice.
Cancer Sci 112(5):1822-1838,2021

Hayashi Y, Hosoe N, Takabayashi K, Limpias Kamiya KJL, Tsugaru K, Shimozaki K, Hirata K, Fukuhara K, Fukuhara S, Mutaguchi M, Sujino T, Sukawa Y, Hamamoto Y, Naganuma M, Takaishi H, Shimoda M, Ogata H, Kanai T
Clinical, Endoscopic, and Pathological Characteristics of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor-Induced Gastroenterocolitis.
Dig Dis Sci 66(6):2129-2134,2021

Fukuda T, Takeda S, Xu R, Ochi H, Sunamura S, Sato T, Shibata S, Yoshida Y, Gu Z, Kimura A, Ma C, Xu C, Bando W, Fujita K, Shinomiya K, Hirai T, Asou Y, Enomoto M, Okano H, Okawa A, Itoh H
Sema3A regulates bone-mass accrual through sensory innervations.
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Hasegawa K, Wakino S, Simic P, Sakamaki Y, Minakuchi H, Fujimura K, Hosaya K, Komatsu M, Kaneko Y, Kanda T, Kubota E, Tokuyama H, Hayashi K, Guarente L, Itoh H
Renal tubular Sirt1 attenuates diabetic albuminuria by epigenetically suppressing Claudin-1 overexpression in podocytes.
Nat Med 2013;19:1496-504.

Hayashi K, Sasamura H, Nakamura M, Azegami T, Oguchi H, Sakamaki Y, Itoh H
KLF4-dependent epigenetic remodeling modulates podocyte phenotypes and attenuates proteinuria.
J Clin Invest 2014;124:2523-37.

Sato S, Saisho Y, Inaishi J, Kou K, Murakami R, Yamada T, Itoh H
Effects of glucocorticoid treatment on beta and alpha cell mass in Japanese adults with and without diabetes.
Diabetes 2015;64:2915-27.

Kawano Y, Nakae J, Watanabe N, Kikuchi T, Tateya S, Tamori Y, Kaneko M, Abe T, Onodera M, Itoh H
Colonic Pro-inflammatory Macrophages Cause Insulin Resistance in an Intestinal Ccl2/Ccr2-Dependent Manner.
Cell Metab 2016;24:295-310.

Itoh H, Ueshima K, Komuro I. Response to Comment on Itoh et al
Intensive Treat-to-Target Statin Therapy in High-Risk Japanese Patients with Hypercholesterolemia and Diabetic Retinopathy: Report of a Randomized Study.
Diabetes Care 2018;41:1275-1284.

Muraoka H, Hasegawa K, Sakamaki Y, Minakuchi H, Kawaguchi T, Yasuda I, Kanda T, Tokuyama H, Wakino S, Itoh H
Role of Nampt-Sirt6 Axis in Renal Proximal Tubules in Extracellular Matrix Deposition in Diabetic Nephropathy.
Cell Rep 2019;27:199-212.

Miyamoto J, Igarashi M, Watanabe K, Karaki SI, Mukouyama H, Kishino S, Li X, Ichimura A, Irie J, Sugimoto Y, Mizutani T, Sugawara T, Miki T, Ogawa J, Drucker DJ, Arita M, Itoh H, Kimura I
Gut microbiota confers host resistance to obesity by metabolizing dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Nat Commun 2019;10:4007.

Kimura I, Miyamoto J, Ohue-Kitano R, Watanabe K, Yamada T, Onuki M, Aoki R, Isobe Y, Kashihara D, Inoue D, Inaba A, Takamura Y, Taira S, Kumaki S, Watanabe M, Ito M, Nakagawa F, Irie J, Kakuta H, Shinohara M, Iwatsuki K, Tsujimoto G, Ohno H, Arita M, Itoh H, Hase K
Maternal gut microbiota in pregnancy influences offspring metabolic phenotype in mice.
Science 2020;367: 8429.

Itoh H, Yoshino J
NAD+ /mtRNA sensing drives human kidney diseases.
Nat Metab 2023; 5:357-359.

Kurose S, Funayama M, Takata T, Shimizu Y, Mimura Y, Kudo S, Ogino S, Mimura M
Symptom changes in patients with pre-existing psychiatric disorders in the initial phase of the COVID-19 pandemic: Vulnerability of female patients and patients with mood disorders.
Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 2022.68: 102966

Koreki A, Niida R, Niida A, Yamagata B, Anamizu S, Mimura M
Comparison of white matter structure of drug-naïve patients with bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder using diffusion tensor tractography.
Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2022.12: 714502

Yoshida A, Kumazaki H, Muramatsu T, Yoshikawa Y, Ishiguro H, Mimura M
Intervention with a humanoid robot avatar for individuals with social anxiety disorders comorbid with autism spectrum disorders.
Asian Journal of Psychiatry,2022. 78: 103315

Bun S, Moriguchi S, Tezuka T, Sato Y, Takahata K, Seki M, Nakajima S, Yamamoto Y, Sano Y, Suzuki N, Morimoto A, Ueda R, Tabuchi H, Ito D, Mimura M
Findings of 18 F-PI-2620 tau PET imaging in patients with Alzheimer's disease and healthy controls in relation to the plasma P-tau181 levels in a Japanese sample.
Neuropsychopharmacology Report,2022. 42(4): 437-448

Katayama N, Nakagawa A, Umeda S, Terasawa Y, Shinagawa K, Kikuchi T, Tabuchi H, Abe T, Mimura M
Functional connectivity changes between frontopolar cortex and nucleus accumbens following cognitive behavioral therapy in major depression: A randomized clinical trial.
Psychiatry Research and Neuroimaging, 2023.332: 111643

Bun S, Ito D, Tezuka T, Kubota M, Ueda R, Takahata K, Moriguchi S, Kurose S, Momota Y, Suzuki N, Morimoto A, Hoshino Y, Seki M, Mimura Y, Shikimoto R, Yamamoto Y, Hoshino T, Sato Y, Tabuchi H, Mimura M
Performance of plasma Aβ42/40, measured using a fully automated immunoassay, across a broad patient population in identifying amyloid status.
Alzheimers Research and Therapy,2023. 15(1): 149

Takamiya A, Kishimoto T, Mimura M
What can we tell about the effect of electroconvulsive therapy on the human hippocampus?
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Bun S, Suzuki K, Niimura H, Shikimoto R, Kida H, Shibata M, Honda T, Ohara T, Hata J, Nakaji S, Maeda T, Ono K, Nakashima K, Iga JI, Takebayashi M, Ninomiya T, Mimura M
JPSC-AD Study Group: Gender and age influence the association between gait speed and mild cognitive impairment in community-dwelling Japanese older adults: from the Japan Prospective Studies Collaboration for Ageing and Dementia (JPSC-AD).

Wu X, Yoshino T, Maeda-Minami A, Ishida S, Tanaka M, Nishi A, Tahara Y, Inami R, Sugiyama A, Horiba Y, Watanabe K, Mimura M
Exploratory study of cold hypersensitivity in Japanese women: genetic associations and somatic symptom burden.
Scientific Reports, 2024.14(1): 1918

Kida H, Niimura H, Eguchi Y, Suzuki K, Shikimoto R, Bun S, Takayama M, Mimura M
Relationship between life satisfaction and psychological characteristics among community-dwelling oldest-old: Focusing on Erikson's developmental stages and the big five personality traits. 
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Narui K, Ishikawa T, Shimizu D, Yamada A, Tanabe M, Sasaki T, Oba MS, Morita S, Nawata S, Kida K, Mogaki M, Doi T, Tsugawa K, Ogata H, Ota T, Kosaka Y, Sengoku N, KuranamiM, Niikura N, Saito Y, Suzuki Y, Suto A, Arioka H, Chishima T, Ichikawa Y, Endo I,Tokuda Y
Anthracycline could be essential for triple-negative breast cancer: Arandomised phase II study by the Kanagawa Breast Oncology Group (KBOG)
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Ohno S, Mukai H, Narui K, Hozumi Y, Miyoshi Y, Yoshino H, Doihara H, Suto A, Tamura M, Morimoto T, Zaha H, Chishima T, Nishimura R, Ishikawa T, Uemura Y, Ohashi Y
Participants in a randomized controlled trial had longer overall survival than non-participants: a prospective cohort study.
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Watase C, Shiino S, Shimoi T, Noguchi E, Kaneda T, Yamamoto Y, Yonemori K, Takayama S, Suto A
Breast Cancer Brain Metastasis-Overview of Disease State, Treatment Optionsand Future Perspectives.
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Hayashida T, Odani E, Kikuchi M, Nagayama A, Seki T, Takahashi M, Futatsugi N, Matsumoto A, Murata T, Watanuki R, Yokoe T, Nakashoji A, Maeda H, Onishi T, Asaga S, Hojo T, Jinno H, Sotome K, Matsui A, Suto A, Imoto S, Kitagawa,Y
Establishment of a deep-learning system to diagnose BI-RADS4a or higher using breast ultrasound for clinical application. 
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Kashiwagi K, Inoue N, Yoshida T, Bessho R, Yoneno K, Imaeda H, Ogata H, Kanai T, Sugino Y, Iwao Y
Polyp detection rate in transverse and sigmoid colon significantly increases with longer withdrawal time during screening colonoscopy.
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Hayashi K, Takayama M, Kanda T, Kashiwagi K, Hishikawa A, Iwao Y, Itoh H
Association of Kidney Dysfunction with Asymptomatic Cerebrovascular Abnormalities in a Japanese Population with Health Checkups.
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Kashiwagi K, Seino T, Fukuhara S, Minami K, Horibe M, Iwasaki E, Takaishi H, Itoh K, Sugino Y, Inoue N, Iwao Y, Kanai T
Pancreatic Fat Content Detected by Computed Tomography and Its Significant Relationship With Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasm.
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Kashiwagi K, Minami K, Seino T, Hirata K, Iwasaki E, Inoue N, Iwao Y, Kanai T. 
Pancreatic fat content may increase the risk of imaging progression in low-risk branch duct intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm.
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Kashiwagi K, Takayama M, Fukuhara K, Shimizu-Hirota R, Chu PS, Nakamoto N, Inoue N, Iwao Y, Kanai T
A significant association of non-obese non-alcoholic fatty liver disease with sarcopenic obesity.
Clin Nutr ESPEN. 2020;38:86-93.

Kashiwagi K, Yamaguchi A, Shiba S, Taniki N, Inoue N, Takaishi H, Iwao Y, Kanai T
Moderate alcohol consumption is not associated with subclinical cardiovascular damage but with hepatic fibrosis in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
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Bessho R, Kashiwagi K, Ikura A, Yamataka K, Inaishi J, Takaishi H, Kanai T
A significant risk of metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease plus diabetes on subclinical atherosclerosis.
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Applicability of second-generation colon capsule endoscope to ulcerative colitis: A clinical feasibility study.
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Chronic Enteropathy Associated With SLCO2A1 Gene [CEAS]-Characterisation of an Enteric Disorder to be Considered in the Differential Diagnosis of Crohn's Disease.
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Establishment of a Novel Scoring System for Colon Capsule Endoscopy to Assess the Severity of Ulcerative Colitis-Capsule Scoring of Ulcerative Colitis.
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Complications and outcomes of routine endoscopy in the very elderly.
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Development of a Deep-Learning Algorithm for Small Bowel-Lesion Detection and a Study of the Improvement in the False-Positive Rate.
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Treatment with vonoprazan for 3 weeks is not inferior to 8 weeks for the management of gastric ESD: a multicenter noninferiority randomized study.
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Fujishima S, Shiomi T, Yamashita S, Yogo Y, Nakano Y, Inoue T, Nakamura M, Tasaka S, Hasegawa N, Aikawa N, Ishizaka A, Okada Y
Production and activation of matrix metalloproteinase-7 in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.
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Fujishima S, Gando S, Saitoh D, Mayumi T, Kushimoto S, Shiraishi S, Ogura H, Takuma K, Kotani J, Ikeda H, Yamashita N, Suzuki K, Tsuruta R, Takeyama N, Araki T, Suzuki Y, Miki Y, Yamaguchi Y, Aikawa N
Japanese Association for Acute Medicine Sepsis Registry (JAAM SR) Study Group. A multicenter, prospective evaluation of quality of care and mortality in Japan based on the Surviving Sepsis Campaign guidelines.
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Fujishima S, Gando S, Saitoh D, Kushimoto S, Ogura H, Mayumi T, Takuma K, Kotani J, Yamashita N, Tsuruta R, Takeyama N, Shiraishi S, Araki T, Suzuki K, Ikeda H, Miki Y, Suzuki Y, Yamaguchi Y, Aikawa N, and Japanese Association for Acute Medicine Sepsis Registry (JAAM SR) Study Group
Infection site is predictive of outcome in acute lung injury associated with severe sepsis and septic shock.
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Rhodes A, Evans LE, Alhazzani W, Levy MM, Antonelli M, Ferrer R, Kumar A, Sevransky JE, Sprung CL, Nunnally ME, Rochwerg B, Rubenfeld GD, Angus DC, Annane D, Beale RJ, Bellinghan GJ, Bernard GR, Chiche JD, Coopersmith C, De Backer DP, French CJ, Fujishima S, Gerlach H, Hidalgo JL, Hollenberg SM, Jones AE, Karnad DR, Kleinpell RM, Koh Y, Lisboa TC, Machado FR, Marini JJ, Marshall JC, Mazuski JE, McIntyre LA, McLean AS, Mehta S, Moreno RP, Myburgh J, Navalesi P, Nishida O, Osborn TM, Perner A, Plunkett CM, Ranieri M, Schorr CA, Seckel MA, Seymour CW, Shieh L, Shukri KA, Simpson SQ, Singer M, Thompson BT, Townsend SR, Van der Poll T, Vincent JL, Wiersinga WJ, Zimmerman JL, Dellinger RP
Surviving Sepsis Campaign: International Guidelines for Management of Sepsis and Septic Shock: 2016.
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Fujishima S, Gando S, Saitoh D, Kushimoto S, Ogura H, Abe T, Shiraishi A, Mayumi T, Sasaki J, Kotani J, Takeyama N, Tsuruta R, Takuma K, Yamashita N, Shiraishi S, Ikeda H, Shiino Y, Tarui T, Nakada T, Hifumi T, Otomo Y, Okamoto K, Sakamoto Y, Hagiwara A, Masuno T, Ueyama M, Fujimi S, Yamakawa K, Umemura Y, and JAAM FORECAST ARDS Study Group
Demographics, treatments, and outcomes of acute respiratory distress syndrome: The Focused Outcomes Research in Emergency Care in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Sepsis, and Trauma (FORECAST) study.
Shock 2020;53(5):544-549

Fujishima S, Gando S, Saitoh D, Kushimoto S, Ogura H, Abe T, Shiraishi A, Mayumi T, Sasaki J, Kotani J, Takeyama N, Tsuruta R, Takuma K, Yamashita N, Shiraishi S, Ikeda H, Shiino Y, Tarui T, Nakada T, Hifumi T, Otomo Y, Okamoto K, Sakamoto Y, Hagiwara A, Masuno T, Ueyama M, Fujimi S, Yamakawa K, Umemura Y, on behalf of the JAAM Focused Outcomes Research on Emergency Care for Acute respiratory distress syndrome, Sepsis and Trauma (FORECAST) Group
Incidence and impact of dysglycemia in patients with sepsis under moderate glycemic control.
Shock 2021 Oct 1;56(4):507-513

Ando T, Nishimoto Y, Hirata T, Abe Y, Takayama M, Maeno T, Fujishima S, Takebayashi T, Arai Y
Association between multimorbidity, self-rated health and life satisfaction among independent, community-dwelling very old persons in Japan: longitudinal cohort analysis from the Kawasaki Ageing and Well-being Project.
BMJ Open. 2022 Feb 24;12(2):e049262

Fujishima S
Guideline-based management of acute respiratory failure and acute respiratory distress syndrome.
J Intensive Care 2023 Mar 10; 11(1):10. doi: 10.1186/s40560-023-00658-3

Matsuoka T, Fujishima S, Sasaki J, Gando S, Saitoh D, Kushimoto S, Ogura H, Abe T, Shiraishi A, Mayumi T, Kotani J, Takeyama N, Tsuruta R, Takuma K, Yamashita N, Shiraishi SI, Ikeda H, Shiino Y, Tarui T, Nakada TA, Hifumi T, Otomo Y, Okamoto K, Sakamoto Y, Hagiwara A, Masuno T, Ueyama M, Fujimi S, Yamakawa K, Umemura Y; JAAM FORECAST Group and SPICE Group
Coagulopathy Parameters Predictive of Outcomes in Sepsis-induced Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: A Sub-Analysis of the Two Prospective Multicenter Cohort Studies.
Shock. 2024 Jan 1;61(1):89-96

Yamamoto R, Fujishima S, Yamakawa K, Abe T, Ogura H, Saitoh D, Gando S, Sasaki J
Hyperoxia for sepsis and development of acute lung injury with increased mortality.
BMJ Open Respir Res 2023 Dec 14; 10(1):e001968

Izumi K, Suzuki K, Hashimoto M, Jinzaki M, Ko S, Takeuchi T, Kaneko Y
Ensemble detection of hand joint ankylosis and subluxation in radiographic images using deep neural networks.
Sci Rep. 2024 Apr 2;14(1):7696.

Akiyama T, Ishiguro KI, Chikazawa N, Ko SBH, Yukawa M, Ko MSH
ZSCAN4-binding motif-TGCACAC is conserved and enriched in CA/TG microsatellites in both mouse and human genomes.
DNA Res. 2024 Feb 1;31(1):dsad029.

Izumi K, Suzuki K, Hashimoto M, Endoh T, Doi K, Iwai Y, Jinzaki M, Ko S, Takeuchi T, Kaneko Y
Detecting hand joint ankylosis and subluxation in radiographic images using deep learning: A step in the development of an automatic radiographic scoring system for joint destruction.
PLoS One. 2023 Feb 13;18(2):e0281088.

Makino K, Shimizu-Hirota R, Goda N, Hashimoto M, Kawada I, Kashiwagi K, Hirota Y, Itoh H, Jinzaki M, Iwao Y, Ko M, Ko S, Takaishi H
Unbiased, comprehensive analysis of Japanese health checkup data reveals a protective effect of light to moderate alcohol consumption on lung function.
Sci Rep. 2021 Aug 5;11(1):15954.

Nakatake Y, Ko SBH, Sharov AA, Wakabayashi S, Murakami M, Sakota M, Chikazawa N, Ookura C, Sato S, Ito N, Ishikawa-Hirayama M, Mak SS, Jakt LM, Ueno T, Hiratsuka K, Matsushita M, Goparaju SK, Akiyama T, Ishiguro KI, Oda M, Gouda N, Umezawa A, Akutsu H, Nishimura K, Matoba R, Ohara O, Ko MSH
Generation and Profiling of 2,135 Human ESC Lines for the Systematic Analyses of Cell States Perturbed by Inducing Single Transcription Factors.
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A molecular mechanism for aberrant CFTR-dependent HCO3- transport in cystic fibrosis.
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Hishikawa A, Nishimura ES, Yoshimoto N, Nakamichi R, Hama EY, Ito W, Maruki T, Nagashima K, Shimizu-Hirota R, Takaishi H, Itoh H, Hayashi K
Predicting exacerbation of renal function by DNA methylation clock and DNA damage of urinary shedding cells: a pilot study.
Sci Rep 14(1):11530,2024

Sunouchi M, Inaishi J, Shimizu-Hirota R, Saisho Y, Hayashi K, Takaishi H, Itoh H
Longitudinal changes in pancreatic volume and pancreatic fat with weight gain in Japanese without diabetes: An analysis using health check-up data.
Metabol Open 19:100250,2023

Shimozaki K, Hirata K, Sato T, Nakamura M, Kato K, Hirano H, Kumekawa Y, Hino K, Kawakami K, Kito Y, Matsumoto T, Kawakami T, Komoda M, Nagashima K, Sato Y, Yamazaki K, Hironaka S, Takaishi H, Hamamoto Y, Muro K
WJOG13219G: The Efficacy and Safety of FOLFOXIRI or Doublet plus Anti-VEGF Therapy in Previously Untreated BRAFV600E Mutant Metastatic Colorectal Cancer: A Multi-Institutional Registry-Based Study (BRACELET Study).
Clin Colorectal Cancer 21(4):339-346,2022

Bessho R, Kashiwagi K, Ikura A, Yamataka K, Inaishi J, Takaishi H, Kanai T
A significant risk of metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease plus diabetes on subclinical atherosclerosis.
PLoS One 17(5):e0269265,2022

Makino K, Shimizu-Hirota R, Goda N, Hashimoto M, Kawada I, Kashiwagi K, Hirota Y, Itoh H, Jinzaki M, Iwao Y, Ko M, Ko S, Takaishi H
Unbiased, comprehensive analysis of Japanese health checkup data reveals a protective effect of light to moderate alcohol consumption on lung function.
Sci Rep 11(1):15954,2021

Oba J, Taniguchi H, Sato M, Takamatsu R, Morikawa S, Nakagawa T, Takaishi H, Saya H, Matsuo K, Nishihara H
RT-PCR Screening Tests for SARS-CoV-2 with Saliva Samples in Asymptomatic People: Strategy to Maintain Social and Economic Activities while Reducing the Risk of Spreading the Virus.
Keio J Med 70(2):35-43,2021

Kashiwagi K, Takayama M, Ichikawa H, Takaishi H, Iwao Y, Kanai T
A significant association of non-obese non-alcoholic fatty liver disease with osteosarcopenic obesity in females 50 years and older. 
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Nakamura K, Aimono E, Oba J, Hayashi H, Tanishima S, Hayashida T, Chiyoda T, Kosaka T, Hishida T, Kawakubo H, Kitago M, Okabayashi K, Funakoshi T, Okita H, Ikeda S, Takaishi H, Nishihara H
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